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Choosing a Life that Matters

It focuses on personal development and participants will gain a thorough understanding that everyone’s life matters and everyone can make a difference. Each one of us has a story to tell. This programme is not a step-by-step manual, it is a call to move away from having merely good intentions, which lead to passive living, and instead live with a high degree of intentionality, which John says, is the bridge to significance.


Themes that will be discussed during the programme:

  • Your life can be a great story

  • Why good intentions aren’t enough

  • Start small but believe big

  • Search until you find your why

  • Put other people first

  • Add value to others from your sweet spot

  • Connect with like-minded people

  • Partner with like-valued people

  • Live with a sense of anticipation

  • Be urgent about seizing significant opportunities




This programme is practical and inspirational. The overall objective of this programme is to motivate participants to become pro-active in their lives and to make a difference in their world.

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