Lessons I’ve learned from a lifetime of leading
The following aspects will be studied in the programme:
Searching for gold
If it’s lonely at the top, you’re not doing something right
The toughest person to lead is always yourself
Defining moments define your leadership
When you get kicked in the rear, you know you’re out in front
Never work a day in your life
The best leaders are listeners
Get in the zone and stay there
A leader’s first responsibility is to define reality
To see how the leader is doing, look at the people
Don’t send your ducks to eagle school
Picking potential leaders
Keep your mind on the main thing
Your biggest mistake is not asking what mistake you’re making
Don’t manage your time – manage your life
Keep learning to keep leading
Leaders distinguish themselves during tough times
People quit people, not companies
Experience is not the best teacher
The secret to a good meeting is the meeting before the meeting
Be a connector, not just a climber
The choices you make, make you
Influence should be loaned but never given
For everything you gain, you give up something
Those who start the journey with you seldom finish with you
Few leaders are successful unless a lot of people want them to be
You only get answers to the questions you ask
People will summarise your life in one sentence – Pick it now

The goal of this programme is to help course attendees to become the best leaders they can be. It is a personal leadership development journey. This book contains John C. Maxwell’s biggest failures and success stories. He also uses these narratives to share advice on how to deal with certain challenges. Upcoming leaders will benefit from the strong foundation this programme gives while more experienced leaders will appreciate the insight John C. Maxwell has to share.