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10 Questions to help you see it and seize it

This training programme, Put your dream to the Test, provides the answer on the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves a dream. According to Dr John C. Maxwell, the answers lies in answering 10 powerful, yet straightforward, questions. This programme provides a step-by-step action plan that every participant can start using to see, own and reach their dream.

The following themes will be discussed during the programme:


  • The Ownership Question:
    Is my dream really my dream?

  • The Clarity Question:
    Do I clearly see my dream?

  • The Reality Question:
    Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream?

  • The Passion Question:
    Does my dream compel me to follow it?

  • The Pathway Question:
    Do I have a strategy to reach my dream?

  • The People Question:
    Have I included the people I need to realise my dream?

  • The Cost Question:
    Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?

  • The Tenacity Question:
    Am I moving closer to my dream?

  • The Fulfilment Question:
    Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?

  • The Significance Question:
    Does my dream benefit others?


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